ECST–Effective Critical System Thinking–is the way to go.
Continuous improvement was the ride, but now it’s time to embrace disruption. Read…
Continuous improvement was the ride, but now it’s time to embrace disruption. Read…
How to like people – A mental hack to progress in complex projects.
“I like people in small bursts.” (George Carlin) Read…
In the “Star Trek: The Original Series” episode “The Man Trap,” we discover that trust, intuition, and understanding aren’t just vital for space exploration – they’re leadership essentials in any universe! This article continues our Read…
Testing is a systematic discipline rather than merely an empirical school of thought. The term “back-to-back” testing is not just an interesting concept but a rigorous method for uncovering discrepancies in the implementation of software and systems. Read…
In the early days, only millionaires could afford automobiles, and they were often scorned as “toys for the rich.” Henry Ford revolutionized this by creating an economy of scale, making cars accessible to the broader population. The same transformation must—and will—occur with electric vehicles (EVs). It’s simply the natural progression of the economy. Read…
The concept of “project” is a Holy Grail of organizational change that heralds The New. Projects inherently come with risk and uncertainty. In the corporate world, risk aversion is an instinct that foregoes venturing into uncharted territories of product innovation. Taking project risks too lightly may lead to unintended consequences for the project or the entire company. Read…
Everyone seems to love predicting the future. Back in 1967, the end seemed bright and hopeful. So, where do we stand now? Back in 1967, the world’s future seemed bright. No wonder–the technical progress was Read…
Dear Trekkies! I want to take you for a ride on an adventure through Star Trek: The Original Series, where we’ll uncover timeless leadership lessons perfect for the tech world. I will explore Captain Kirk’s iconic leadership “lessons learned” and the groundbreaking tech that keeps inspiring us today. Grab your tricorders and boldly go where no one has before! Read…
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