Megatrend: Open-Source Economy
Intellectual property has been an important asset of innovative businesses for centuries. Protecting new technologies, however, will soon become a largely obsolete strategy. Read…
Intellectual property has been an important asset of innovative businesses for centuries. Protecting new technologies, however, will soon become a largely obsolete strategy. Read…
Everything seems to be interconnected these days: computers, mobile phones, cars, even watches and pacemakers. Yet it is only the beginning. Read…
This is what my perfect laptop would look like. Now why on Earth can’t I have it? Read…
The way we drive cars has not changed much over the past century. Finally, new technologies are about to completely redefine how we travel. Autonomous vehicles will be a disruptive game changer. Read…
What is the most crucial skill: expert knowledge or salesmanship? Read…
Piles of books about organizational change, strategy, and leadership adorn management libraries, yet a satisfactory answer to the question “Why do change initiatives really fail?” remains elusive. Read…
Traditional office work places are on the verge of extinction. A new kind of mobile devices is about to make them obsolete. Read…
The quickening pace of economic development as well as a growing diversity of business models and product ideas all call for a new kind of workforce. Read…
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